
洛可小城蓓凡‖輕奢貴族點滴夢想曼麗菲斯 當前位置:網站首頁 > 品牌展示 > 洛可小城

洛可小城(Locco World)





涂裝工藝-植物油萃取于天然植物,用之于木材,滲透于木質纖維之中,結合緊固,渾然一體,可以防止木材開裂,是木質材質的最佳保護劑,這是任何一種油漆都不具備的功能, 植物油具有極佳的防蟲、防腐、防水效果,利用某些植物驅蟲、防蛀的自能特性,實行生物防治,特別是在高溫多面的地區,這種特性愈加顯著,在防水方面,經國家化學建筑材料測試中心測試,在經過5000次高壓水流沖洗的條件下無異常。



“Locco World” ,teens nobility solid wood furniture, incorporate the most popular British, American and future-oriented Nordic style products in the current market.

“Locco World” products uses water-based paint which is the most ecologic furniture paint in China at present, known as “drinkable paint”. The coating is conducted by “open paint processing”, namely open primer and open finish. Locco World is “breathable furniture”.

The products of “Locco World” are made of solid wood imported from South America,and characterized with moderate hardness, clear texture and few scar. Which is the most suitable for children and teens furniture.

Hinges and other hardware of “Locco World” are imported from Italy FGV .And the rails are made of aviation aluminum.
